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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Download Free Chess for Android

Chess is a chess game for Android allowing play to one or two players and features 8 levels of difficulty.

Free Chess for Android

This game allows you to move pieces using the touch screen or keyboard. The board can be rotated to make it more comfortable. You have the option of seeing the board in full or partial screen.

It has several useful functions primarily for players who want learn chess. While playing it is possible to undo moves (To correct errors) and to analyze the games. You can also highlight colors, possible moves you may have a particular piece, by way of advice. Another interesting feature is the starting (auto play) as a demonstration.

Items can be save to resume later. They are saved in PGN (Portable Game Notation) or FEN format, either to memory or to the clipboard and then copied to a text file, email, etc...

Chess for Android 2.9.1 is the latest version of this free chess game for Android and you can click here to download.


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